We prioritize sustainability practices

What we are doing to conserve our resources, and how you can help

  • Solar Panels

    Solar Panels were installed in Sept 2022. Our electricity usage immediately cut by 1/2-1/3 depending on the month. Island electricity is mostly fueled by Diesel. We ask that you help us conserve our electricity by turning off lights and A/C units when you are not in the room or when you leave.

    The rooms will cool down quickly when turned back on.

  • Water catch and containment

    There are few homes on the island that receive public water. Water is caught on the roof and stored in cisterns under the villa. Our three step UV / filtration system allows all water in the villa to be safe and drinkable. If water must be purchased for the villa, please be aware it is desalinated ocean water. Delivery can take a day or so.

    We ask that you limit your showers ( I know…its HARD in the outdoor shower!) and turn off faucets when not in use.

  • Single use plastics

    We try to reduce our waste and keep as much out of the island landfill as possible.

    We do our best to limit single use plastics in the home by providing our amenities in refillable containers when possible. We provide insulated tumblers to avoid using single use water bottles. Make your drinks and enjoy them for hours.

    Please help us by limiting the usage of single use plastics in the home.